Sunday, March 29, 2009


Field Trip To Ripley's

Edward's class went to Ripley's Aquarium Friday. William got to tag along too. He loved the "shaks". Edward loved it all! We even got in a quick game of put-put.

Put me in Coach!

Baseball is under way! We have at least 1 if not 2 games each week, and Edward is learning a lot. William is "learning" alot too, and is waiting for his t-ball to start.

Sunny Spring Day

Last Sunday we spent the day at Eddie's parents and the boys "allowed" me to take a few spring pictures of them.
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Artist in the Family

Edward has been taking art lessons at school for two years. He entered two pieces to the state competition in Charleston, and won two SUPERIOR ratings. He was so proud!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

And what did you get for your third birthday?????

That's right we have had the FLU at our house this week. Edward was sick first and passed it to his little brother. It has been very quiet here but very busy with 2 little boys under the weather and now the biggest one (eddie) down and out. Luckily my two little ones are well enough for me to go to school tomorrow.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


William .....

is Mommy's baby!

loves his brudder.

is DaDa's big helper.

steals kisses from Nana.

helps Mrs. Nettie.

is a future fireman.

plays with Laken.

loves Nana, MaMa & YaYas.

loves Little Bill and reading books.

loves to talk to Morrell, Dot and Papa James.

has broken one of his legs and one of his arms.

is one of the best boys in the whole wide world!

Happy 3rd Birthday!

We love you!!!!
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William's party was Saturday. He loved all of his gifts and was surrounded by lots of hugs and kisses!


Edward's baseball seaon is underway. Hopefully we will have a better season this year and play all of the innings!