Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Finally it arrived! SNOW!!!!!! What a way to start the day! I had been up awaiting the call from my prinicpal to let me know school had been cancelled. So after I called my other teacher friends, I went back to sleep for a few more hours. Edward woke me up and said that he "didn't want to alarm me, but our whole county was under a winter snow storm warning!" He was so excited! But not as excited as William was when he woke up. He ran all over the house opening up the blinds squealing "SNOW! SNOW!" and "I gotta call NANA!"
We finally bundled and booted ourselves up for a quick trip out into our "Arctic Tundra." The boys had a ball, but William didn't like the snow on his boots:(

Basketball Fun!

Saturday was Edward's first basketball game. Edward played really hard and stayed on his man. He even stole the ball a couple of times.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

8 Great Things About Edward

#1. He loves Jesus, learning Bible verses, & sharing what he learned at church, school and AWANA's.

#2. He loves his mommy and dada. He still gives hugs and kisses.

#3. He is the BEST BIG BROTHER ever. He tries to be patient with William and usually shares with his little brother.

#4. He adores his grandparents and great grandparents. He talks to most of them nearly everyday.

#5. He enjoys playing with his many cousins and friends.

#6. He plays all kinds of sports-soccer, baseball and basketball.

#7. He loves school and his teacher. His favorite subjects right now are art, Spanish and computers.

#8. He loves learning all kinds of unique and interesting facts.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDWARD B! We are so blessed to be your parents! We love you!!!!

Edward's Basketball Party

To celebrate Edward's 8th birthday party, we partied with a basketball party on the Saturday before his real birthday. The kids wore their favorite teams' jersey and had a wonderful time shooting hoops!